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Microsoft fyrer 1.900 medarbejdere fra deres computerspils division 

Foto: TechRaptor

Af Lasse Bjørnsten Rasmussen
25 januar, 2024

Microsoft er i gang med at fyre 1.900 medarbejdere, som har arbejdet i deres computerspilsafdeling.

Det oplyser IGN, som har fået det af vide af deres kilder.  

I en meddelelse til medarbejderne har Xbox boss, Phil Spencer, sagt, at Microsoft vil give ‘full support to those who are impacted during the transition, including severance benefits informed by local employment laws.’.  

Fyringerne kommer efter deres store køb af af bl.a. Call of Duty-franchiset og Activision Blizzard, som de købte for hele $69 milliarder

Her er Spencer’s fulde udmelding omkring hele situationen:

“It’s been a little over three months since the Activision, Blizzard, and King teams joined Microsoft. As we move forward in 2024, the leadership of Microsoft Gaming and Activision Blizzard is committed to aligning on a strategy and an execution plan with a sustainable cost structure that  will support the whole of our growing business. Together, we’ve set priorities, identified areas of overlap, and ensured that we’re all aligned on the best opportunities for growth.” 

“As part of this process, we have made the painful decision to reduce the size of our gaming workforce by approximately 1,900 roles out of the 22,000 people on our team. The Gaming Leadership Team and I are committed to navigating this process as thoughtfully as possible. The people who are directly impacted by these reductions have all played an important part in the success of Activision Blizzard, ZeniMax and the Xbox teams, and they should be proud of everything they’ve accomplished here. We are grateful for all of the creativity, passion and dedication they have brought to our games, our players and our colleagues. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted during the transition, including severance benefits informed by local employment laws. Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with the respect and compassion that is consistent with our values.” 

“Looking ahead, we’ll continue to invest in areas that will grow our business and support our strategy of bringing more games to more players around the world. Although this is a difficult moment for our team, I’m as confident as ever in your ability to create and nurture the games,  stories and worlds that bring players together.” 

Phil Spencer

Sidste år lavede Xbox store ændringer i lederskabet for Activision Blizzard, hvori Sarah Bond blev gjort til ‘President of Xbox’, og Matt Booty blev deres nye ‘President of Game Content and Studios’. 

Xbox har netop afholdt deres Xbox Developer Direct 2024, hvor de gjorde os klogere på MachineGames’ Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Obsidians Avowed, Ninja Theorys Hellblade 2 og Oxide Games’ Ara: History Untold

Igen fortsætter de store fyringer i spilbranchen, som ikke ser ud til at bremse lige foreløbigt. Der er selvfølgelig mange følelser involveret i en så stor fyringsrunde, og mange har haft deres at sige til en situation af dette omfang. Industriadvokat, Richard Hoeg, minder os dog om at ABK var et stort udgivelsesselskab, og der derfor vil være nogle naturlige overlap mellem afdelinger ved opkøb, som uundgåeligt vil føre til fyringer.

X-medie brugeren @Hoeglaw kommer med en sober forklaring på den store fyringsrunde fra Microsoft/ABK. Kilde: X

Lasse Bjørnsten Rasmussen – Skribent & Anmelder

Lasse lever og ånder for film, spil og tv-serier, og elsker at formidle det. Han er en ung purk, der har taget sine første skridt ind i medieverdenen, som har fascineret ham siden han for første gang fik en PlayStation 2-kontroller i hånden og en Nintendo DS ved siden af sig.

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