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Baldur’s Gate 3 får officiel cross-platform mod understøttelse 

Foto: Larian Studios

Af Lasse Bjørnsten Rasmussen
23 februar, 2024

Udviklerne Larian Studios har bekræftet at de arbejder på officiel cross-platform mod understøttelse til Baldur’s Gate 3, som er planlagt til at udkomme med spillets næste store patch

I opslag på både Discord og mediet “X” har repræsentanter fra Larian anerkendt frustration fra fans omkring, at forskellige mods bliver ødelagt, hver gang der kommer en ny opdatering til Baldur’s Gate 3

Selvom Larian har planer om at lancere en officiel mod-support, så kommer disse problemer til at fortsætte i et længere stykke tid, da den næste store opdatering til spillet stadig er nogle måneder væk. 

Director of publishing hos Larian Studios, Michael Douse, har været ude på “X” og har udtalt sig omkring det: 

“We generally don’t talk about things till they’re ready, but as you may have read, we’re making an exception,” 

“We’ve been working on a robust, cross-platform plan for mod support to be released later in year. We love our modding community and we want to support them. It’s coming. 

“We have a system but it needs to be tested and still requires work. We’re excited about it. I understand that it suck’s [sic] when the game is updated and mods break. Our community teams will start talking with and looping in modding community.” 

Larians senior community strategist WombatMedic udtalte i en længere besked på Discord, omkring studiets planer for mod-support: 

“We want to continue making sure you’re getting the best possible experience, which is why we frequently patch the game, although this does inevitably mean that each new patch or hotfix has the potential to become incompatible with your favourite mods,” 

“We know this sucks, we know you want to play with mods, and we want to make this right. 

“We are working on official mod support, and have been for a while. We want the very best for you, which includes establishing a pipeline that lets mod authors release their mods across different platforms. 

“Together with the platform holders, we are working on making this a reality, and are forming a team to support mod curation. We’re aiming to offer modding support for things like classes, UI, customisation, spells, and certain assets and game mechanics. 

“As this is no small task, we hope to introduce the initial stages of modding support in our next big patch, which is still several months away. Frustrated as you might be now, we’re keen to work with you on this – and have plans to reach out to popular mod authors to talk further and work together to avoid issues in the future.” 

Lasse Bjørnsten Rasmussen – Skribent & Anmelder

Lasse lever og ånder for film, spil og tv-serier, og elsker at formidle det. Han er en ung purk, der har taget sine første skridt ind i medieverdenen, som har fascineret ham siden han for første gang fik en PlayStation 2-kontroller i hånden og en Nintendo DS ved siden af sig.

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